Beyond Monitoring is a software tool that allows real-time management of data from your sites and the surrounding environment. At Sixense, we’ve used our 25 years of experience in monitoring to develop our flagship digital platform to our Client’s on-site needs.

It is a decision-making tool that enables users to manage geotechnical, environmental, and structural risks. Beyond Monitoring enables the integration of all data types derived from various sources and in several formats, including data provided by third-party services with reinforced cyber security as a priority.

Real-time data management of your monitoring sites and surroundings

Beyond Monitoring is the information hub of every project we manage.

Its data management is tailored to suit our clients’ sector-specific requirements. Beyond Monitoring is versatile and can be used for both small projects with a few sensors and larger, more complex projects with thousands of sensors.

The platform is particularly well-suited for projects where different types of data are being consolidated for analysis.

All data is processed to deliver reliable alarm(s) and ready-to-use information.

Watch a demonstration

Whatever the size of your organisation or site, Beyond Monitoring is a scalable solution that will follow the expansion of your sites and operations.

All data is processed to deliver reliable alarm(s) and ready-to-use information.

Use cases

Beyond Monitoring is an open data-to-information system for technical risk management in civil engineering for all projects and assets concerned with geotechnical, structural, or environmental risks.


Added benefits

Risk mitigation

Beyond Monitoring is a decision-making tool for mitigating geotechnical, environmental and structural risks linked to construction or site operation.

Less data, more information

Our solution transforms data into information with visualisation options.

A tailor-made solution

Fully scalable and customisable solutions to meet your needs and the characteristics of your project.

An experienced team at your service

• 25 years of experience in instrumentation and monitoring
• Extensive knowledge of measurements, civil engineering and geotechnics
• Ability to offer optimised solutions combining the latest and most reliable technologies

Download the Beyond Monitoring Datasheet