With its 474m of length crossing the Garonne River, the Saint Jean Bridge links the railway station district to the right bank of the river since 1965.
Before carrying out the repairing works, the engineering Department of Bordeaux Métrople wanted to carry out a material diagnosis of the bridge deck pre-stressed concrete. The aim was to provide entree data and specify the works program suggested by the project manager. The inspection revealed the presence of some construction defaults as well as a slight carbonation phenomenon in the concrete.
Tessa Guitton, Engineer at Sixense, tells us about her experience:
“It was a large-scale mission with lots of inspection tools, lots of investigation areas, particular means of access and a will to limit traffic restrictions. In the end, the mission was successfully completed thank to the efficiency of all the contributors.”
Even behind the masks, our teams put on their best smile to showcase the various techniques and diagnostic tools used.